Learn Ruby on Rails & Build Web Apps

Learn to build Ruby on Rails applications and
become a Full-Stack Rails Developer.
Upon finishing each section [early accesses] will get access to them.

Who is using Ruby on Rails?

Who am I?


Hi, I'm Adrian. I'm a Senior Full-Stack Rails Developer (UI/UX) with 10+ years experience + the creator of RailsThemes.com (admin themes for rails). I love building and teaching Ruby on Rails as well as designing Front-End & User Interfaces.

What will you learn?

Courses & Lessons Breakdown

In these courses I'll teach you Ruby on Rails as well complex concepts and web apps. Will go through with the basics and dive in more complex concepts as we build various Applications. TryRails.com lessons are both for beginnners and developers looking to brush up their skills.

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Learn Ruby on Rails Basics
Section 3: Project - Build a Discussions Board
Section 4: Database - PostgreSQL Complex Querying
Section 5: Project - Build a Dashboard for Sales
Not Done Yet... I am constantly thinking and adding new sections... so stay tuned!

Learn to build Ruby on Rails Apps.